Friday, 27 January 2012

Analysis of a music video using Goodwins Theory: Joshua Radin "I Missed You""

This is the official Music Video of Joshua Radin's " I missed you" Joshua Radin is described as an Acoustic, folk artist.

Goodwins theory is based on 8 key ideas that are present in music videos. I will analyse how far this is true for this particular music video.

1.Links between lyrics and visuals
Goodwin suggest that visuals will relate to the lyrics that are present at the time. This is quite true in this particular video, as the artist is singing the lyrics whilst being filmed and is also in the particular scene or scenerio that the lyrics mention.

2.Links between Music and visuals
He also suggests that the general mood and tempo of the music will have some relation with the visuals. The mood of this song is quite happy and up beat, this is present by the sunny day time scene that is presented to us within the music video.

3.Genre Characteristics
He says that there are stereotypical forms and values that certain genres take, and that these are included in each video. This can be seen to be true in this video, the typical guitar that acoustic, folk artists are related to is present in the majority of the video. The artist is also dressed in a care free everyday attire as apposed to something expecially for the video.

4.Intertextual Reference
Goodwin suggests that there are references to other mediums within music videos, wether it be a laptop showing a website or a mobile phone.  Intertextual reference is not apparent in this particular video, this could be to do with the genre, acoustic and folk artists are not stereotyped with having gadgets and technoligy around them, so wouldnt have that in there videos.

5.Notions of looking
This shows us the way that someone is seen and the gaze in which they are seen through, according to Goodwin, Women are often seen as objects.  This isnt true in this video, the main artist meets a lot of people whilst journeying around in this video, and treats all of them as equals and as friends to him. This is heightened by the camera angles used when filming these particular scenes, the meeting situations always offer each person involved to be equal and friendly.

This is when other people look at the artist or see an insight into their life. We can see this exampled in this video as we are being given a story of the artists journey around America.

7.Demands of the record label
The record label have the power to say what they think the artist should be represented as, so they will want shots of the artist in a certain outfit or position and this will be shown many times. This is very true in this video, the whole theme is situated around Joshua Radin, so he is the cameras focus for a high percentage of the time.

8.Performance,Narrative or concept based music videos
Goodwin says that music videos are often Narrative based and bring the music into a story like form.This is true in this video, the lyrics and video together offer a story of Joshua Radin catching lifts all around America and writing postcards to a girl that he misses.

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